A Place to Celebrate Caring

A caregiver’s love never stops growing.

A Place to Celebrate Caring

A caregiver’s love never stops growing.

About The Garden

two ladies looking at flowers

The Carefor Caregivers’ Garden

The Carefor Caregivers’ Garden is a place to celebrate caring. Located along the banks of the Rideau River in beautiful Strathcona Park, the Caregivers’ Garden gives Ottawans a place to honour their loved ones.

Whether you’ve come here to reflect on someone for whom you have provided care, or for a caregiver in your life, the Carefor Caregivers’ Garden is a place where you can think of what this person has meant to you.

Learn More About The Garden

Honouring Our Caregivers

Caregiving is how we show love, and it’s what gives us strength during our hardest times. So often it happens quietly behind closed doors, but with the Carefor Caregivers’ Garden we want to bring it out in the open and celebrate its beauty for all to see.

Caregiving takes many forms: parent to child, child to parent, spouses, siblings, friends and professional agencies… But at its core is something common: a desire to make someone else’s life better in whatever way one can.

Caregivers have helped build Ottawa. We think its time they deserved a place where we can thank them, publicly and privately.

Let’s celebrate those among us who deserve it most.

Garden News


There are many resources both in Ottawa and online to support you or your loved one with their caregiving journey. Whether it be information to help you through your day, a friend or a professional agency to take some of the load, help is available.
Caring for Eastern Ontario since 1897.

About Carefor

As the Founding Chapter of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Carefor knows about caregiving. We’ve been at the side of caregivers in Ottawa since 1897 helping them support their loved ones in their homes as they heal or find a peaceful end.

Today, we offer over 30 programs and services across Eastern Ontario including in home nursing, personal support and rehabilitation as well as programs for people living with dementia including a retirement home exclusively for women living with dementia.

Carefor’s mission in to meet our clients’ health needs for high-quality home care and community support services. With your support we’re able to offer training and equipment to our home care staff, expand programs for people living with dementia and develop innovative programs which make sure caregivers and their loved ones get the help they need when they need it.